Tech Tip – Note-Taking Apps

There are often situations in business where it helps to take notes and keep them in a handy, tidy and easy to access place.  Google Keep and Apple Notes provide users with easy note-taking on the go.

Google Keep is a Web-based note-taking app for your computer or Android and iOS phone. It has a variety of tools for note-taking including texts, list, images, and reminders. Everything you add to Keep syncs across your devices (your phone, tablet and computer) so you’ve always got your important information to hand.  Google Keep – Notes and Lists are available from the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

Apple Notes for iOS and macOS operating systems also offers helpful note-taking tools including text, video, images, scanning, note search and information from other apps.  Your (latest version) iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch should have Notes, and to use its latest features, make sure that you set up Notes with iCloud or have notes saved on your device.